vPlan offers 1609bold plenty of room for creativity
Time savings
1609bold saves as much as 30 minutes a day by no longer having to make manual corrections in Excel.
The company has better insight into billable hours. Invoicing has never been easier and takes less time.
Communication between planning and sales has greatly improved. Projects are now only taken on if it actually fits within the planning.
The name is bold... 1609bold
We sit down with Bas Eeftink and Rejauna Sapulette, owner and project manager of 1609bold. When we ask where the company's name comes from, they look at each other, smiling mysteriously. "People always ask that, it remains fun to explain. The name has a bridge to running, 1609 being one mile. That's also where my legendary quote comes from: 'I didn't start training harder, I just started believing I could do it'." In other words, how do we make our existing business attractive in a different way? Where we started 20 years ago with surprising advertising, we have now taken on an advisory role. This involves all kinds of things, including positioning, campaigns, design and more," Bas says.
Zuidlaren, Netherlands
Time registration
Exact Online
Marijke - 9 april 2024