Analyse results and anticipate the future

Visualise your data in clear graphs and tables to gain even more insight into your planning. Create reports, draw conclusions, adjust, and optimise your processes. See how much room you still have in your planning. Schedule your colleagues based on the analyses. Optimise your planning based on achieved results.

vPlan Analysis: An analysis view within vPlan featuring an overview of time registration, along with a pie chart and a bar chart.
vPlan Analysis: A list view with a phone showing the time tracking overview.

Analyse the capacity

With the analysis, you can look months ahead. See how much room you still have in your planning. Schedule your colleagues based on the analyses. Optimise your planning based on achieved results.

vPlan Analysis: The analysis view of vPlan providing an overview of registered time, including elements for employee absences and capacity.

Comprehensive analysis of time registrations

Gain insight into pre-calculations and registered hours. Understand productivity and know what can be invoiced. As a manager, review your team’s registered hours. See at a glance which hours you still need to review.

vPlan Analysis: An overview of time registration in vPlan, including manual time registration from the vPlan app on a phone.

Use data analyses to optimise processes

Analyse data within the list view. Clearly see the results of selected periods. View results per project or per process step. See at a glance where you gain or lose time, and easily export this data to Excel.

vPlan Analysis: Data analysis within vPlan for planning, including a bar chart illustrating registered time.

Let us do the math

Make use of our very extensive formula functionality. Finding it difficult? Use our AI assistant to help you create formulas. Everything can be calculated and displayed in our list view.

vPlan Analysis: vPlan AI assists you in creating a formula field.

Integrate vPlan with your favorite tools and apps

Link your accounting system easily and quickly with our planning software. All information can be imported with the push of a button.

Integrate vPlan with your favorite tools and apps

Link your accounting system easily and quickly with our planning software. All information can be imported with the push of a button.

Key Features

Overview of marketing costs in vPlan, showing statuses, labels, budget, and costs for activities like trade show participation and video production.
Monitor project progress.

Insight into project status

Identify bottlenecks early

Track real-time performance

Monitor project progress.

Insight into project status

Identify bottlenecks early

Track real-time performance

Project timeline in vPlan, displaying ongoing projects with progress indicators and assigned team members across multiple weeks.
Compare planned and actual costs.

Measure expectations vs outcomes

Maintain budget control

Optimise with data

Pre- and post-calculation
Compare planned and actual costs.

Measure expectations vs outcomes

Maintain budget control

Optimise with data

Resource planning and workload in vPlan, displaying project timeline with assigned resources, progress indicators, and work hours per team member.
Maintain balance in workload.

Even workload distribution

Prevent overloading

View team capacity

Maintain balance in workload.

Even workload distribution

Prevent overloading

View team capacity

Time tracking in the vPlan mobile app, showing available hours, planned hours, and logged time per day for week 23.
Access your planning anytime, anywhere.

Insights always at hand

Track progress on the go

Real-time data access

Access your planning anytime, anywhere.

Insights always at hand

Track progress on the go

Real-time data access