Get a grip on your work orders from Exact
Stop using spreadsheets and cumbersome calendars. With the integration between Exact Production and vPlan, your work orders automatically appear on our planning board. Optimize your employees and machines and increase your delivery reliability while working paperlessly. Want to learn more about the integration? Click here.

Save time
Quickly and flexibly schedule your work orders from Exact
Your production orders from Exact Online are automatically converted into visual cards. All necessary information is included, from operations to customer data. Schedule the work based on your production process. Link employees or machines and add additional information such as work instructions, drawings, comments, and checklists.

Capacity control
Optimize your employees and machines
Have an instant overview of your employees' and machine's capacity. Link employees and machines to work orders. View the workload and prevent unnecessary machine downtime.

Visual and flexible
Gain insight into your production planning
In the dynamic production world, you don't want to lose sight of anything. vPlan offers you the overview you need for all your production orders and tasks. The flexibility of vPlan gives you the freedom to choose how to plan and how to set up your workflow. This allows you to react proactively, always staying one step ahead of challenges.

Go digital
Get rid of spreadsheets and sticky notes
Don't waste time with cumbersome spreadsheets or time-consuming sticky notes planning. With vPlan, your team works entirely digitally, and the production schedule is accessible everywhere. With the Exact Online integration, you prevent double entry, and everyone works with the correct information.

Easy time tracking
Collaborate with the shop floor
Work with your team in one solution. Leave comments and @mention your colleagues. Automatically receive notifications about events and stay informed. Easily keep track of your tasks and record worked hours. This can be done with our mobile vPlan app or within the application. The recorded hours are automatically sent to Exact Online.

Work smarter
Automate routine work
Nobody likes repetitive work. Use automations to have us perform routine tasks in your production. This not only increases efficiency but also enhances job satisfaction within your team.

Use vPlan extensively
Gain insight into related processes
Beyond production, there are often additional tasks that require attention, such as installation work at customers, procurement planning, outsourcing, or organizing logistics. With vPlan, you have the ability to plan these aspects as well and even integrate them with your production activities. Make full use of what vPlan has to offer and maximize your efficiency and coordination.